Хрустящие драники, свинина и бекон, обжаренные в сливочном соусе с помидорами, сладким перцем, луком-пореем и рукколой
21.3 Br415 g
Куриное филе с картофельными ньокками
Куриное филе, картофельные ньокки в сливочном соусе с миксом из жареных грибов (боровики консервированные обжаренные, шампиньоны и вешенки) с чесноком и луком, томатами черри и беконом, Джюгас, руккола
21 Br385 g
Брауни с мягкой карамелью, карамельный и шоколадный соусы, миндальная стружка, взбитые сливки, мята
13.1 Br175 g
Штрудель с вишней
11.6 Br150 g
Пицца Супер Пепперони 31 см
Соус из протертых томатов, Моцарелла, колбаса пепперони, масло чесночное
24.6 Br370 g
Цезарь с теплой курицей
Листья салата, томаты черри, теплое куриное филе, пармезан, заправка с анчоусами, гренки с травами
16.9 Br205 g
Борщ с говяжьими щеками
Свекла, картофель, морковь, лук, томатная паста, чеснок, подается с говяжьими щеками и сметаной
I'm just delighted with the author's teas, you can order them in a cup or in a beautiful teapot, I especially like fragrant with chamomile and elderberry, and berry with raspberries. Special thanks to the chefs for the desserts! I prefer brownies, fruit dessert with cottage cheese cream and ice cream, crumble and cheesecakes with cherry sauce and caramel!
Convenient location, I often manage to come here along the way for a takeaway pizza. Thanks for the promotion, I tell everyone and recommend it!
Good evening, I visited this wonderful place with my friend on 14.01.25 , there are no questions about the food and drinks, everything is very tasty, thanks a lot to the chefs, but as for the waiters, it's a complete mess ...
I can't say about everyone, specifically we were served by a waitress named Ekaterina , I myself worked in this field,and as far as I know, the waiter should put a menu for each person sitting at the table, and as a sign of respect, ask if they would like to order something right away,but Ekaterina decided to pass by our table, throwing the menu to us like dogs , she served the dishes the same way she served the menu , tried to pick up the dishes we haven 't finished eating yet , I don 't know if she's an intern there , but we don 't seem to be pigs that would eat without appliances , in general , I'm extremely unhappy with the quality of service .