Приготовленный на огне бифштекс из 100% говядины, сочный помидор, свежий нарезанный салат, густой майонез, хрустящие огурчики и свежий лук на мягкой булочке, посыпанной кунжутом
4 Br132 g
Чизбургер Двойной
Два приготовленных на огне фирменных говяжьих бифштекса, два ломтика слегка расплавленного сыра, хрустящий маринованный огурчик, лук, горчица и кетчуп. И все это в подрумяненной и посыпанной кунжутом булочке
5 Br154 g
Ангус Пармеджано
Наслаждайся каждым сырным укусом! Нежный мраморный бифштекс Абердин Ангус, пикантный Пармезан и щедрая порция соуса Пармеджано! А ещё внутри салат Айсберг, маринованный красный лучок и свежие томаты на мягкой булочке бриошь
14.5 Br295 g
Воппер® - это вкуснейшая приготовленная на огне 100% говядина с сочными помидорами, свежим нарезанным листовым салатом, густым майонезом, хрустящими маринованными огурчиками и свежим луком на нежной булочке с кунжутом
10 Br273 g
Воппер Двойной
Воппер® - это вкуснейшая приготовленная на огне 100% говядина двойная порция, с сочными помидорами, свежим нарезанным листовым салатом, густым майонезом, хрустящими маринованными огурчиками и свежим луком на нежной булочке с кунжутом
14 Br353 g
Воппер с сыром
Приготовленный на огне бифштекс из 100% говядины, два нежных ломтика сыра, сочные помидоры, свежий нарезанный салат, густой майонез, хрустящие огурчики и свежий лук на нежной булочке с кунжутом
11 Br293 g
Картофель деревенский большой
Известный всем вкус деревенской картошки в золотистых горячих ломтиках
5.8 Br153 g
Кинг Фри XL
Горячий и свежий картофель Кинг Фри - золотистые и хрустящие ломтики отлично дополнят любой обед
5.9 Br160 g
Кинг Фри большой
Горячий и свежий картофель Кинг Фри - золотистые и хрустящие ломтики отлично дополнят любой обед
We decided to relax in this place after going to the cinema and it was a big mistake... The worst Burger King I've ever met!
1. CSR did not work, so I had to place an order online.
2. It was not a small cockroach that greeted us on the table! A little later, another resident of this institution winked at us at the order counter..
3. After receiving the order, we found moldy French fries.
4. All the trash cans were overflowing and the garbage just fell out of the trash.
5. The tables are dirty. Finding at least one clean one was a problem.
6. There is only ONE person in the kitchen. The receptionist worked at the checkout. Another person was put to work only after our indignation..
We will no longer cross the threshold of this institution. Shame.
It's just terrible!
1. The service is very long.
The order began to be collected only after 17 minutes, although everything had been on the shipping belt for a long time. The result is that the burgers are cold.
2. The staff at the checkout does not know the assortment, and when asked how the two top burgers differ, they could only answer that "they are not cooks and probably there are different sauces"
3. The device for distributing drinks in non-working condition gives out drinks without gas and diluted with water in a ratio of 1/3. Ie, the taste of the drink is barely It feels good. They promise to fix it, but after 15 minutes the who is still there. The offer to the administrator "to try what you are cooking for customers" is refused. They say we can't have drinks at work.... In general, eat what they give .....
Well, as a bonus - get food poisoning .... THE BEVERAGE MACHINE DILUTES THEM WITH TAP WATER!
We visited this restaurant today. The service is terrible, the order was waited for 20 minutes. There was one person (manager) at the assembly, who prioritized the order to Yandex courier, ignoring the orders of visitors to the last. The cashier, who sometimes came up to help with the assembly and touched both products and glasses, never changed the gloves with which he had previously worked at the checkout and touched cash, he did not receive comments from the manager. There were 2 people working in the kitchen, without aprons, it is clear that they could not cope, and therefore they gave out finished products very slowly, but despite this, they managed to switch songs on their column. The hall was terribly dirty, all the tables were covered with crumbs, the floor was covered with sand, dirt and footprints, garbage from the trash cans fell out. There were a couple of tables with trash on them that the customers hadn't cleaned up after themselves. Because of this garbage, it was impossible to sit at empty tables. During the 40 minutes of our stay in this institution, not a single employee went out to clean the hall. The manager was in the assembly area, she did not rush the workers, and she herself collected orders rather slowly. They asked for an order on a tray, but received it in a package because there were no clean trays in the restaurant. Only two napkins were placed in a fairly large order for two people. The chopsticks to stir the punch were not put down, because of this, I had to approach the manager again and wait for her to pay attention to ask for stirrers. The cashier did not warn visitors about a sufficiently long waiting time. Previously, we often visited this particular burger king restaurant, everything was fine. Apparently, there was a change of management in the restaurant, so the quality of service dropped beyond recognition. There is no desire to visit this burger king anymore.