Кофейный напиток итальянской кухни на основе эспрессо с добавлением в него подогретого до 65 градусов вспененного молока
4.5 Br300 ml
Кофейный напиток на основе молока, представляющий собой трёхслойную смесь из молочной пены, молока и кофе эспрессо. Является идеальным выбором для любителей кофе, которые предпочитают более мягкий и молочный вкус
4.5 Br300 ml
Айс американо
Бодрящий напиток, охлажденный до низкой температуры, которым можно насладиться в любое время дня
3.5 Br300 ml
Айс раф
Освежающий напиток, приготовленный на основе кофе. Идеально подходит для теплых летних дней или как освежающая альтернатива горячему кофе
the coffee shop is clean, the barista regularly replenishes napkins, sugar, etc., changes garbage, the coffee is delicious, the food is fresh and appetizing, the prices are affordable, the staff is friendly and welcoming
On February 22, I visited this coffee shop for the second time, ordered the same coffee - a honey latte. And it seemed to me that this coffee differs significantly from the previous one - only the taste of coffee and milk, honey syrup or honey is felt, obviously, it was spared for me. The honey latte recipe is excellent, I wish the employees of this coffee chain to adhere to this standard.
Thank you for the opportunity to leave this review.
Hello! We were at your cafe today (10/27/2024 at 4.20 pm). When ordering a set, they started preparing drinks after 10 minutes. And when they asked if the order was ready, there was no answer! Eugene and a girl with black hair and bangs were on shift.
The tables and surfaces were very dirty (there was someone's hair and crumbs from food and desserts).
Carefully select employees (staff) to your place of work! And have a conversation with your employees about treating customers with respect. And also about their main responsibilities and tasks in the workplace!
!!!Important: put a book of complaints and suggestions near the cash register.