A very annoying woman who is apparently considered a guard. You just walked in, and you're already guilty of all the thefts for the whole block. They don't allow you to come in with a backpack, even if you take out a bag from your backpack, in which you can then put all your purchases, they don't look at you approvingly either. If you have such a problem with thefts, put a frame at the exit, and do not interrupt the guilt of each buyer.
The store itself may not be bad, but the staff: they always seem to be unhappy, When I want to buy something, they look at me as if I want to steal something. It's not pleasant:(. And the Guard is watching me closely. And there are 2 cash desks working very rarely at the same time, so there is always a long queue at 1 cash desk, and as soon as you ask to open it, they say they can't, that there is some kind of problem, although there is none>:(