Great store, great sellers!!! They will advise and help with the selection and, if necessary, with the pre-order! A rich assortment (as in the entire network), convenient location, reasonable prices! We shop here all the time! And you can place an order with pickup from this store. That's what we use.
Of course, this is not an advertisement, BUT! Garfield is the only chain of stores where adequate service is provided. It is always a pleasure to consult with sellers in choosing food and other things for their pets. Consultations without diabolical moralizing. The prices are normal. The store is clean and tidy, as it should be in grocery stores, albeit for animals. The drugs are stored properly. 10 out of 10.
A very large store and a huge assortment of goods for every taste, for any pet, and fish are also sold. Excellent wall design in the theme of the title, creatively