The first penny near the house, I liked it. The assortment is diverse, just a little bit, but there is a lot for this format. The prices are reasonable, for different wallets.
There are self-service ticket offices.
I hope it won't deteriorate with time.
The store itself is normal. There are many different products. Before that, it was better, the store seemed to be called Santa. He liked me more. This one is also pleasing. The store is quiet and clean. It's a little dirty outside, but it's not the store owners' fault. The only disadvantage of the store is when at its peak it is impossible to pass through large crowds of people.
The store is not about anything ..There is no assortment, especially for milk and cereals. I witnessed how the seller reached into a sliced loaf with her bare hand without a glove, corrected something (there was no time to swear or work with a book of complaints and suggestions, but the sanitary station should have been called).Now I never take pastries there