The best store in Minsk . This is the first time I've seen a store where you'll find everything to your taste. Very frequent deliveries with new , interesting products . Very friendly sellers. In the alcohol department there is a jar with the inscription to the seller for champagne.' I always come in with a friend and put money on it . And that department is a very good salesman , with white hair colors and a small bang . There is a delicious sausage in the meat department , kind and responsive sellers. There are a lot of sweets , various products in the main department , and meat is piled up in freezers . There is always something to buy. Thanks for the service and feedback.
Clerks in the grocery and beer departments with blue faces. A rumpled local woman with a small bulldog enters the store, then goes behind the counter to them, takes out a piece of bacon from her bosom, and receives a bottle of vodka in return for barter. At this moment, customers are waiting for them to suck on the twists and turns of their bright, busy lives. This is the entourage of a military town.
I bought a milkshake, which has an expiration date until December 7... I shook it, drank it and almost went to my forefathers. I went there purely out of nostalgia, when I went there with my parents as a child. There is no desire anymore