Стоимость от 33.72
Вакцинация проводится импортными вакцинами Nobivac, производства Голландии, а также Мультикан, Мультифел, производства России.
33.72 Br1 pcs.
Лабораторные исследования
Лабораторные исследования от 15.65р.
Глюкометрия/Биохимия крови/Общий анализ крови/Мазок на пироплазмоз/ПЦР тесты всех видов инфекций собак и кошек/Анализы мочи и кала/Гормоны/Генетическое тестирование кошек и собак/Титр антител к бешенству
15.65 Br1 pcs.
Полная стоимость стерилизации, со всеми включёнными расходными материалами и наркозом. Полная стоимость операции, без дополнительного назначаемого медикаментозного лечения (если потребуется).
I came to the recommendation of the doctor Brazhitskaya O.A. in this veterinary clinic for the treatment of teeth in cats and was very satisfied) everything is very clear and intelligently described in all the recommendations. An insane and gorgeous plus in the clinic is that you can immediately buy everything from medicines and treatment products. No need to waste time searching for them in Vet pharmacies. It was especially wonderful to see how everyone treats pets, both administrators and doctors. Special thanks to the head of the clinic, the man is burning for this case, and this is important! I saw her sitting with my cat and stroking it when I came to pick it up, and it was so cute that I wanted to cry.
I won't speak for professionalism, everything is obvious. Starting from how well they explained everything to me and ending with serious manipulations and patient attitude towards pet owners)
Just thank you so much for everything ❤️ I recommend you to visit!
I don't give 2 points to the vet clinic, but only to one of the doctors - Kaskov A.Y. I have no complaints about the clinic itself - clean, neat, always greeted with smiles, fast, functional. Let's go back to the doctor. They prescribed injections for my rat, and for a couple of days I went to O. Brazhitskaya (an awesome, kind, sincere person), then I went to Kaskov. At first, it looked like a kind, pleasant doctor, he asked everything, I told him, they took the rat for an ultrasound, it bit him from stress (my apologies for what happened), and the mask of "kindness and friendliness" instantly fell off. The doctor became violent, took the animal harshly (it was necessary to give three injections), they did not do an ultrasound (it's clear the animal is spinning, okay), they did not tell me on the X-ray how to hold my hands properly (I was holding the animal) and as a result, the phrase "most of the BP is blocked by the bones of the mistress's hands" appeared in the statement. I don't understand why they didn't fix my arms right away. I'm standing next to you, and I have no idea how to hold it or what not to do. It's time for the injections..The doctor's (psychological) condition is deteriorating, aggression, nervousness are felt, inappropriate jokes about "pulling out all her teeth," another doctor was called to hold and give injections. When Kaskov took my animal, he did it so rudely that the rat just started squealing, while the injections were being done, there was a terrible squeaking and squealing (not a single sound like that for 2 days), how do I blame myself for not interrupting this appointment with this "specialist" before the injections. I really blame myself. The clinic apologized, saying that the doctor was scared and panicked because the rat had no vaccinations. There's no comment at all. Do I recommend this clinic? Yes. Absolutely. Do I recommend Kaskov? God forbid. Cruelty, aggression and harshness are absolutely unacceptable when working with living beings. The clinic apologized, and thank them very much. But never to this "doctor". Only one situation was enough to reveal the whole essence of this man.
Every time I return to this vet clinic with full confidence that everything will be at the highest level. The test results are reported quickly, which is very cool. The clinic has a warm, warm atmosphere. All doctors treat each pet with reverence. Venya loved visiting this place, does not experience stress during checkups and vaccinations. An excellent clinic staffed by professionals!🫶