A cool shoe store. The prices are pleasant and affordable, the quality of the shoes is gorgeous.😇🤌I really liked it, it's not the first time I buy shoes. The service is excellent. I advise you to visit this store 😁
There are no questions about the product, it is there, there is something to choose from. But the staff, the service and in general, the very structure of the work, is so terrible that you just don't want to buy from the word at all. I wanted to buy 5 pairs of shoes, I arrived, but they are not there. The phone number is not available, which is listed on the website. I wrote to Viber, they answered once in three days and then a couple of words. The ratio is zero. I went to another store, it's more expensive there, but everything is humane there, it was not a pity to give money and advise others. I've never been so dissatisfied with the store. It is a service, not a product. The store is on Churlenisa, it is not even on the map in Yandex, although this is a mandatory procedure. And yet, the terminal never works there, the sign is hanging, which does not work temporarily. And this is a mandatory function, although it can be seen that it works. If you want to buy something there, then just silently come with cash, take what you need and run away from there. They don't even have a work phone available! Where is the customer focus???? It's useless for them to write to Viber at all, I've been waiting for an answer for three days now