Говяжьи щёки с мини-морковью в соусе Демиглас, картофельное пюре, шпинат, Джюгас
25.1 Br355 g
Запечённые блинчики с курицей и беконом
Блинчики с беконом, курицей в соусе барбекю и сыром, запеченные под сливочным соусом со шпинатом и сыром
16.9 Br330 g
Шницель по-милански
Отбивная из свинины в хрустящей панировке, подается с томатами черри, запеченным сладким перцем, руколой, соусом из зелени, пармезаном и картофелем фри
24.1 Br330 g
Борщ с говяжьими щеками
Свекла, картофель, морковь, лук, томатная паста, чеснок, подается с говяжьими щеками и сметаной
Great place! Polite, courteous waiters, a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation. We are pleased with the diverse selection of not only pizzas, but also dishes of European cuisine. They cook quickly, everything is very tasty with a beautiful serving! The second floor is even more atmospheric, with tables near the window overlooking Independence Avenue. The aesthetics of the establishment, the kitchen, and the service are excellent! There is, among other things, a lunch menu at pleasant prices. I go to the institution regularly, I recommend it to everyone.
A good place , always very polite and friendly staff , pleasant atmosphere , delicious dishes and a fairly quick return , pizzas are just a bomb , we only go here with our family for pizzas and also delicious warming teas )I recommend
I visited this place with my family, we were pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere, a very cozy place, pleasant and polite waiters. When accepting the order, the waiter clarified all the details of the dishes. I also want to note that the dishes ordered for the child (mashed potatoes with meatballs) were delivered to the child within 10 minutes.
Will I return to this institution again? Absolutely!