БЕЗ ВЫХОДНЫХ С 9:00 ДО 21:00
45 Br1 pcs.
Восстановленные тормозные суппорта с ручником
Корпус суппорта отпескоструен и покрашен. Заменен ремкомплект, вал и втулка ручника. Гарантия на суппорта 1,5 года без ограничений по проблему
180 Br1 pcs.
Ремонт тормозных суппортов с одним поршнем без механизма ручного тормоза со снятием с автомобиля
С пескоструйной обработкой и покраской. Ремкомплект и расходные материалы оплачиваются отдельно. Гарантия на работу составляет 18 месяцев без ограничений по пробегу
100 Br1 pcs.
Ремонт тормозных суппортов в механизмом стояночного тормоза со снятием с автомобиля
Ремонт тормозных суппортов с механизмом стояночного тормоза. Расходные материалы оплачиваются отдельно. Гарантия на работы 18 месяцев без ограничений по пробегу
120 Br1 pcs.
Проточка тормозных дисков в снятом виде
Проточка тормозных дисков на новом высокоточном станке с точностью до 0,001 мм
60 Br2 pcs.
Проточка тормозных дисков со снятием с автомобиля
Проточка тормозных дисков со снятием с автомобиля. С профилактикой тормозной системы и диагностикой тормозных суппортов. Замена тормозных колодок входит в стоимость
A great place to upgrade your braking system and gain confidence along with a good warranty. A cozy waiting area, you can watch the repair process. The head and the masters are at the highest level! I will contact you if necessary and advise others.
Well, I've been thinking about what to write for a long time. We will write the truth. I turned to this service to replace the two front calipers (I brought my brand new ones), embedding parts of the highways, replacing all hoses. We started work, replaced everything, paid off and... The brakes disappeared, the abs system began to pump on the engine, without removing the abs guard. Which no longer corresponds to correctness, the viewers are faster this way. We drove, cotton brakes. They drove them back, started connecting computers, sentenced a tank over the internal combustion engine, which they could not name what it was responsible for, but they assured that it was the case. For a second, this is the receiver that is responsible for the operation of the internal combustion engine valves, and I still did not understand it for the brakes. As a result, I paid off, gave an impressive amount of 300 + white rubles and went home with brakes in 2 pitching, i.e. air in the system. Already at home, I took off the wheels in the yard and noticed that no one paid attention that the jammed guides, moreover, all that the pads had peeled off and were not suitable for use, that the system could be pumped and it pumped on its own. If you charge money for a service, maybe at least explain to the masters that you need to keep your eyes open and see the problems, I was ready to replace many parts, but you only saw the pumping room and that's it. I am also more interested in the guarantee for rvbots, which in fact were produced at the give money level and as is. Toyota Corolla 120 car body.
They put a young man and me in danger on the road with their poor-quality repairs!
I can't answer your answer, I'm writing here:) Man, if that's what you can be called, instead of apologizing for your "workers" who do their jobs poorly and put people in danger, you're shaking your rights here, which is very unprofessional of you. Fortunately or unfortunately, it wasn't Rodion who answered the comment, chuika let you down a little) no one is engaged in extortion and wasn't even going to, they tried to achieve honesty, but apparently "you" and "honesty" are incompatible!