An excellent selection of products, everything is always fresh and very tasty. Sellers work quickly and smoothly. But there are a couple of disadvantages for me:
1. Poor visibility of the showcase. The store is dark inside and it is difficult to see the window in sunny weather.
2. The queue. Unfortunately, there is only one window, and there are many customers, so there is often confusion about who is behind whom- where- when.
A store of lard and sausages. The fat is great! Soft, melts in the mouth. I bought lard both with meat and clean. I liked the bacon without meat the most.
I recommend that you definitely try it!
The products are good, the saleswomen are excellent. Not everything is always in stock. During all this time, only a couple of times there was not tasty fat from the stomach, but I chose it myself. I have been buying for more than 4 years constantly. My top: saltison, chicken sausage, lard.