РЕФЛЕКСОТЕРАПИЯ (РТ) – это философия, наука и искусство излечения больных и укрепления здоровья здоровых. Представляет собой древнейший общепризнанный метод традиционной Восточной медицины, в основе которого лежит воздействие на биологически актив...
21.88 Br1 pcs.
Криотерапия камерная
Криосауна за счет воздействия холода на организм и мобилизации организмом всех своих ресурсов в экстремальных условиях стимулируются защитные механизмы организма для избегания переохлаждения. Таким образом улучшается кровообращение, ускоряются обм...
14.5 Br1 pcs.
Магнитотерапия ВЕМЕR
Магнитотерапия общая (ВЕМЕR (Био-Электро-Магнитное-Регулирование-Энергии) терапия) –- это лечение особо слабым импульсным электромагнитным полем. Оно помогает компенсировать недостаток биоэнергии и энергетически подпитывает организм, направлена на...
A great place to relax. Very nice, nice rooms, there is everything you need: refrigerator, hairdryer, electric kettle. Friendly staff. They arrange entertainment for vacationers: from watching movies, concerts to organizing holidays: we got to Maslenitsa. There is a bar on site where discos are held, and you can also buy cosmetics and related products there (there is no store on site). The range in the bar is wide, but snacks are often not served, and ice cream is only portioned. On the contrary, the dining room will surprise you with a wide selection of buffets, although baking lovers will be a little disappointed, baking is rare and in small quantities. I was also upset by the lack of coffee at lunchtime and the availability of only tea for dinner. I would like to note (but this is more for the administration) the lack of musical accompaniment in the gym, in water aerobics, in procedures (mud wraps), I had to listen to the neighbor's snoring or the staff's conversation. Please also pay attention to the use of oilcloths during procedures: it is high time to use disposable ones, it is both economically and aesthetically more effective.
In general, the impression of the holiday is positive. If you were to ask if we would come here again, the answer is yes.
But there is something to work on and strive for. Thanks to the staff, you are great fellows!