Имеет нежную текстуру и сохраняет свой природный вкус, а также все полезные свойства рыбы. Подходит для легких обедов или ужинов, сочетается с любым гарниром или зеленым салатом
It's a good place, I recommend tomato soup with seafood
It's a pity that they removed the salinity from the menu (there are cans of pickled vegetables in the interior, so they immediately pull on them, but here you will find a bummer)
A wonderful restaurant with well-trained, helpful staff, a nice, cozy room. Delicious, good-quality cuisine.
From my point of view, there is not enough assortment.
But, I think this restaurant is for a pleasant pastime, not for gluttony. The range is quite sufficient for such purposes.
The prices are slightly above average, for this level it is quite acceptable.