Good day!
First, I am writing once again about the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Harun and Zhinovich streets, where the houses are 20th along these streets. Because there is another intersection of these streets, where a traffic light is also required!
They've been serving breakfast for a year now...
when will the traffic light be installed here? ?
We have 2 schools behind the intersection and 3 kindergartens on different sides of the intersections! School children go to school in the morning, but it's dark now!
There have been repeated accidents with pedestrians, both at night and during daylight hours ...
This is lawlessness, we have been living in the area for 16 years and traffic is still not organized!!
I clarified about the installation of this traffic light even when my daughter went to the 1st grade, this year she graduated from school...
Where else should I write? Tell me, I'll write.
Secondly, a new road was opened connecting Golubka and Olshevsky streets, which significantly increased the flow of cars in both directions. Therefore, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a traffic light is urgently needed at the intersection of Golubka and Haruna streets!
There is also an ambulance station and an unregulated pedestrian crossing to the shopping center.
Kindly take action!!
Car registration for legal entities has turned into hell. There is only one window for trucks and cars. Payment details are only available at the stand. The numbers are issued on the third day. There is no electronic queue.