The best of the best perfume stores,good staff, only original products, a large assortment, cool staff,they will pick up high-quality perfume, after a trip to this store, you will steer with one hand, wipe away tears of happiness with the other, I recommend visiting, you will not regret.
I made an order on the website. After 5 minutes, a man calls and says, swallowing the end of the word, "wipparfum" and is silent ... I ask again, they say, what are you saying? In response, "WIPPARFUM! Am I slurring my words?" I'm already mildly shocked by the introduction… And he keeps silent. Does the client have to build the conversation himself? In the 21st century, scripts for talking to customers were invented a long time ago, but this is probably the first time you will hear about this. Then he says, "this perfume is not available, you will wait so you will wait, you will not wait so you will not." I ask so how long to wait? In response, again in a rude tone, "we are no longer working today." Why did you call then?! I promised to call the next day and inform about the availability of suppliers, but no one called me back. Business in Belarusian, what can I say