"Shchetovka", now it's Santa, the store is within walking distance, but I liked the assortment more in the previous store, but this is my opinion, and there are so many dairy products, and everything meets the requirements of the products, friendly cashiers, it's also very nice.
A good assortment, good sellers
However, it is confusing to have a recurring moment when only one ticket office is open, and there are a lot of people, as if a train had passed nearby and you were standing with your bottle of water for an eternity…
There are self-service cash desks, which is good, but not all the goods are visible in them, and when you press the help button, it's easier to either go to a regular cash register, or leave all purchases altogether and leave without them. What was the point of betting if no one was ever around them? I pressed the help button - please wait 10 minutes.
Хороший магазин. Большая парковка. Есть обменник и аптека внутри. Вкусная выпечка и кондитерка собственного производства. Отзывчивые продавцы. Хороший выбор как прод.,так и пром.товаров