В доме на окраине живет отшельник. Люди всегда сторонились его жилища. Но когда в городе странным образом начали исчезать жители, стали ходить слухи о том, что во всём виноват именно он.
20 Br
Заброшенная клиника всегда манила к себе своими тайнами. Смельчаки, которые пытались в неё попасть, загадочным образом пропадали. Появились слухи о том, что один из бывших врачей клиники потерял рассудок и до сих пор находится в ней. Вы нашли мест...
Quest types:quests, performance, quests with actors, with children, for beginners, difficult, cheerful, inexpensive, for teenagers, for large groups, for schoolchildren, for corporate events, historical, for adults, dynamic
We were at an abandoned clinic. We went as a team of 5 people. I really liked it) the quest is big, lots of rooms. The acting is at the highest level)) Go, you won't regret it
We were here on the Hermit quest. The quest has come in. It was eerily interesting. Tasks with meaning. It was interesting to pass. The entourage is cute) we passed with pleasure. Thanks to the creators of this quest! Recommend
We were on a horror quest. The guys did well, they did their best) It's hard to scare me, but they managed to tickle our nerves. There were no injuries on either our side or theirs. The riddles were simple and the time turned out to be somehow too fast, but they promised to complicate it a little. And in horror, it's not the riddles that are important, but the atmosphere, and the actors succeeded in this. Like)
A pleasant bonus was the opportunity to chat with the actors, laugh at some moments, tell about their impressions and hear their stories about other players (without mentioning names, of course).