Огурцы, томаты черри, перец, редис, салат фризе, заправляется горчичной заправкой на основе оливкового масла. Украшается свежей зеленью
18 Br280 g
Брускетта с креветками, авокадо и творожным сыром
На хрустящую чиабатту выкладывается соус гуакамоле, нарезанное авокадо, креветки, обжаренные с чесноком и тимьяном, крем из рикотты (сыр рикотта, соус табаско, сахар, сливки). Украшается пудрой из маслин и свежей зеленью
27 Br250 g
Прованские улитки
Улитки в классическом исполнении с ароматным сливочным маслом (чеснок, паприка, петрушка, укроп, панировочные сухари панко, бульон на основе улиток с травами)
A pleasant place!
I was in Minsk and came in for breakfast.
- location, city center
- the interior is beautiful, high ceilings, huge windows, lots of air and light
- in the menu, you can choose something for your health
- the food was delicious
- open from 10.00
- there were a lot of people at breakfast in the morning and the service was not very efficient
- the waitress brought salt/pepper, then the dishes, one person ate the dish, she comes up, takes the empty plate and salt/pepper! And I needed salt to add salt to my second course, but there is no salt. Everything looked strange
- the windows are huge and very dirty! I understand that the city center is dusty, but if you are applying for an expensive institution in the center, then you need to match it!
- prices are above the average in Minsk
As a result, I lowered one star for the work of the waiters and dirty windows. Did you like the food
My favorite place in Minsk. One of the few establishments that have existed for a very long time, in which it is always delicious, not a big, but a good menu (you can always find what to choose), of course, desserts are super, whatever you take, it is always delicious. The prices are average, quite adequate. And special thanks for the cake and a spectacular birthday greeting, just in the very heart of it